The University of the Philippines Manila College of Nursing is proud to host the 24th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference this 15-16 April 2021 with the theme “Doctoral Nursing Education in the Changing Health Landscape”.

Amidst the changing health landscape brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and other global health issues, the 24th EAFONS Conference is going to explore how doctoral nursing education is transforming to face these challenges and how the nursing profession is contributing to  strengthening health systems across the world.

Since 1997, this Conference is hosted every year by nursing schools from Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore.  True to the purpose of the EAFONS Conference to gather nursing academics, scholars, and doctoral students from the region to share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas, this year’s conference brings together renowned speakers and nursing leaders to help steer the discussion on the current and future role of nursing in addressing the challenges in health and health care.

We are expecting great contributions from nursing academics and graduate students to discuss how to continue shaping the nursing profession through nursing practice, education, research, and leadership.  By making this Conference available and accessible to all through virtual modes, we hope to encourage more participation and interesting discourse among nursing scholars.  The doctoral programs in nursing have this vital task to nurture future nursing leaders in advancing the science and philosophies of nursing to contribute to the health of all people.

As a World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for Leadership in Nursing Development, we are mindful of supporting nurses’ leadership in taking on the health challenges and contributing to the solutions.  Through this Conference, we hope to provide the venue where we can recognize these valuable contributions of nurses and other health care professionals.

Thank you to all who are heeding the call for the leadership of nurses in whatever fields of nursing. May the international collaboration and partnerships fostered by EAFONS and this 24th EAFONS Conference continue to prosper.

Sheila R. Bonito, RN, MAN, DrPH

University of the Philippines Manila College of Nursing, Dean

For more information about EAFONS 2021, please contact:

EAFONS 2021 Virtual Conference Secretariat
College of Nursing, University of the Philippines Manila
Sotejo Hall, Pedro Gil Street, Ermita, Manila
E-mail: eafons2021@up.edu.ph